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Best of 2016

Started by jrobinson, December 29, 2016, 04:25:31 PM

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Happy New Year and Welcome to Bamarides 2017.

2016 was a great year on the forum.

We have grown to 12646 Posts in 1286 Topics by 379 Members in a year and 4 months.
Nice Goat was top poster, klaviator started the most topics and Karla spent the most time on line.
Ride Reports and Events were our top 2 boards. Bike Related Pics and Guess Where Pic Was Taken had the most views.

KevinB started the year off leading a small group on a Planes & Prison Ride -

I lead my yearly "Get Sandy on a ride before she kills somebody" ride.  We rode to Bell Buckle for Brunch.

Guidedog dipped his foot into the leader's pool with a version of Glenn's Ride for Pie.

Glenn came up with a crazy idea to ride to Key West for Pie and an Iron Butt. Who would ride that far for pie?!?! Well we had 9 bikes and 10 riders make the trip. It was an epic ride of the year for me.

Win, Dan and myself spent a couple days riding to take photos and videos.

Our dual sporters, led by klaviator, rode to Chattahoochee National Forest for the weekend of July 4th.

Nice Goat led a Ride for Pie.

Griff rounded up a few dirt riders and spent the day at Stony Lonesome.

KevinB led a Tread Burner ride, a little spirited, but open to all riders.

The Goat led another Ride For Pie ride, it included Hot Glass, Burgers and of course PIE.

Win, Sandy and myself rode to Mentone for brunch. Hammerdown met up with us afterwards and we did a little exploring.

Jeep8 posted a ride he and his wife rode.

Ride for Pie with The Goat to Tellico for the weekend.

Polarissalesman led a group to the Junkyard Dog Steakhouse in Tenn. Always good food and ride.

Allsport Saturday Shift Ride rode from Decatur, ate breakfast then back to Decatur.

Photo/Video ride #3 for the year. Had a new rider attend.

A 2nd Allsport Sat. Shift Ride to Blue Plate Cafe.

BrianA posted a teaser for a ride he plans to ride with Mulley in Baja. Watch this thread. These guys are entertaining.


We had bike nights at Cycle Gear, vintage bikes and others

Hitting the Apex movie

Start of Season Flash Mob in N. Ala

Bamarides Appreciation Day at Allsport

Flash mobs around the state.

Garage Parties

Barbers Vintage Fest

Rally in the Valley -

Nowhere to Be, and All Day to Get There, Dual Sport ride and camp -

AlGoodwin led a group to the Arctic Circle.  some of us followed along monitoring their Spots and watching weather along the way.

There were many Ride Reports. Some from a day ride, some from 3-7 day ride and one 50 year long ride.

Ride Leader extraordinaire, Scott "Postmaster" Brimer moved to the Sunshine State.

---Real Stuff---

Prayers for the members that lost family during 2016.

Unfortunately, we lost 2 of our ride leaders and feature posters on the forum,

Jim "Argh Oh" Kush
David "Bluesman" Fail

While I'm sadden by their passing, I celebrate their life and friendship.

The following words were written by Karla for Jim's eulogy, but they fit for both Jim and David. Both were quiet and humble men. They both took great joy in riding and posting on Bamarides. I miss them and their posts.

A moment's breath
is come, is gone.
A gasping breath
for life to come
or life be gone.
What words can rest
on this moment's breath
that has come
and now is gone?

We aren't promised tomorrow. Love your family and do what makes you happy.

Riding makes me happy, so I'll be riding as much as possible in 2017. Hope to see you all on the road.