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DS Ride to Tellico Area

Started by KevinB, November 07, 2015, 11:12:55 PM

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I had several days off last week, and had never ridden any of the dirt around the Cherohala I posted a DS ride. Being a short-notice weekday ride, I didn't expect that anyone would be able take off and tag along.

The weather was showing to be sunny and @ 70 degrees for the time I would be there.

I left out Tuesday morning and took backroads up to Chattanooga, stopping to grab the Central Alabama tag on the ADV forum.

Dumas Bridge, Blount County

I normally take 68 through Turtletown, but decided to try 315 through Reliance this trip. It did not disappoint.

Hiawassee River in Reliance...

I wound up in Tellico a little after 5pm, and hit the Skyway enroute to Robbinsville just as dusk was settling in. I would be "roughing it" at the mini-fridge and sucky water pressure in the shower!  :o

It didn't take long before I lost all light on the Skyway.

Looking south...

Toward the top of the Skyway, I found rain, cold and dense fog...visibility was about 30 - 40 feet in front of my fender. I made the entire trip over the Skyway without seeing another vehicle. It was a creepy experience.

Finally made it to civilization and the Microtel...there were about 10 other bikes there. I unloaded the Husky, put on some less smelly clothes, and walked down to the Mexican restaurant. The "season" was definitely over, as there was very little activity in Robbinsville. I had the whole restaurant to myself and enjoyed a delicious steak quesadilla.


On Wednesday, my plan was to explore the dirt roads off the Cherohala. I started on Old Santeelah Rd./FS81 out of Robbinsville. It's known as the "Dirt Cherohala" as it follows nearly the same route. I also found out that apparently it was bear hunting season, as I met several pick-ups hauling hounds on this road...many at a high rate of speed around blind corners (disconcerting when there's a precipice immediately adjacent to the road). The road itself was in decent shape...several days of rain prior made it a little muddy.

There were several spots were Santeelah Creek runs next to the road. It's amazing how something as simple as rocks and water (two of the most basic elements of the Earth) can be so mesmerizing and beautiful.

Also passed this cabin/historic site...didn't stop to see if there was any type of marker giving details, but I did imagine what it would have been like to have lived in this remote location 150 years ago.

I eventually crossed the Skyway and began exploring the south side. I wound up on Sycamore Trail, which both my GPS and Google Maps showed to intersect with River Rd. Well, it eventually came to a dead-end, with a gate blocking what looked to be a long out-of-use last section of the trail. As I took a break to contemplate my route options, and to find a spot to take care of nature, I heard voices. I turn around to see several elderly people walking up a hiking trail from seemingly nowhere. A few seconds later, and they would have caught me watering the plants. Apparently, the Benton-Mackaye Trail intersects at this spot.

I took a side trail from here, and stumbled upon what I later found out was called Whigg Meadow...,-84.0391497,1139m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en

After I hiked to the top, I realized I left my phone on the bike...I wish I had been able to get a panorama shot. And the color captured by my cheap camera doesn't do the actual view justice.

I eventually worked my way down in elevation to River Rd. and Bald River Falls.

I had already spent more of my day than I had planned at this point, so I did a quick lunch at the Hardees in Tellico, then headed toward Witt Rd. I entered from the north end, and after a short while, it became a somewhat "unimproved" road. I was feeling pretty ADV-ish, until I caught up to an elderly couple in a newer Dodge Charger. After passing them, I met a female in a Toyota Celica headed the opposite direction. I didn't feel so much like a dual-sport hero after that. I took the turn toward Conasauga Falls, but looking at the trail to the falls and my choice of footwear (A'stars Tech 2's) I decided to forego the hike. Headed back to Witt Rd., I met the Charger again. Once back on Witt, I found the water crossings that I had seen others post about. The rain had the water level higher than normal, and higher than I was expecting.

I got two bootfuls on this one...

I had planned on doing Parsons Branch also, but I was running out of daylight quick and wanted to get back to Robbinsville by dark. I skipped the trip to Cades Cove and made the trip through the Dragon just before dusk...traffic was light and the photogs were gone.

On my way back through R'ville this time, I noticed a restaurant across the street from the Mexican joint...Southern Gals Country Cooking (I had an awesome hamburger steak w/ gravy). There were only 4 bikes at the hotel this night.


On Thursday, when I woke up the forecast was still showing a 20 percent chance of afternoon drizzle and a high @ 70. I left out of Robbinsville headed south with a plan to ride toward Hiawassee and explore some of the dirt roads, then end up at Pickens Nose.

Before I made it 5 miles from Robbinsville, I lost the sun. By the time I made it to Andrews, I found the rain. And not the drizzle type of rain forecasted. It was a good, steady downpour.

I thought that maybe the rain would slack up or stop by the time I made it to Charlies Creek Rd., but the further south I went, the worse it got. The thought of traversing a muddy, challenging road on a 400+ pound bike while solo made me rethink my route. I decided to skip Charlies Creek and Popcorn Rd., and planned to take Persimmon Rd. north from US76 to Patterson Gap Rd. and wind up on US441 to get to Pickens Nose.

I had looked at Patterson Gap Rd. on Google Maps before I left, but assumed it was just another curvy road. Once I got onto it, I quickly realized it wasn't really a road. It was a steep, curvy, rocky, muddy, slick-wet-leave covered "road"...and it was still pouring rain.

I renamed it "Ray Charles Pkwy."...with the rain and fog covering my shield and glasses, I kept saying "I can't see shit!".

I eventually made it to Hwy 441, but by now I'm cold, wet, hungry and tired. I decided to forego Pickens Nose, Wayah Rd., Winding Stairs Rd., etc. and pointed the fender north for "home" via Franklin and Hwy 28. On a street bike, Hwy 28 between Franklin and US 74 is the rain on knobbies is nerve-racking. I finally made it back to the comfort of a hot shower and a large Wendy's Chili. This night,  not only was I the only bike at the Microtel...I was the sole guest.

Friday was supremely uneventful. I took 74/64 along the Ocoee back to Cleveland, 75 to Lookout Mtn., then backroads back home. I had planned to detour and ride some the LRC WMA on the way back, but the constant threat of rain looming had ne anxious to get home.

I pulled back in the garage with 981 miles total and one toasted front TKC80.


Even though the rain detoured your plans it still sounds like a great trip. When you get another adventure bike for me to ride I'll gladly go with you on the next one. I can't wait!
So what road is Bald River Falls on? River Rd? And it was closed?


Thanks for sharing your ride with us. I never get tired of that area.


I really like that area, but have not yet ridden dual sport there.  It is on my list

Nice report Kevin. Thanks for sharing.


Quote from: Ryanbroome on November 08, 2015, 06:36:42 AM
Even though the rain detoured your plans it still sounds like a great trip. When you get another adventure bike for me to ride I'll gladly go with you on the next one. I can't wait!
So what road is Bald River Falls on? River Rd? And it was closed?
BRF is on River Rd.  I didnt follow it to the end (Green Cove?)...not sure if it's possible to go all the way through. The falls end is open and accessible by car.


Loose nut holding the handlebars


Quote from: norton73 on November 08, 2015, 09:19:54 AM
You can go past Green Cove and continue on dirt almost to Murphy. You will hit some pavement before you get there.

Get one of these;

That's where we used to ride jeeps for a long time until they shut it down


As I was heading out Thursday,  a guy at the hotel was telling me of the trails in that area.  If I had listened to him instead of going south, I would have stayed dry all day.  :)


Quote from: KevinB on November 08, 2015, 09:44:01 AM
As I was heading out Thursday,  a guy at the hotel was telling me of the trails in that area.  If I had listened to him instead of going south, I would have stayed dry all day.  :)
We can go back up soon and hit the dirt.


good reading and sounds like you had fun in spite of the weather. I tend to ride in north GA since that's a day trip for me but looking forward to exploring more around Tellico area in the future.

thanks for the write up!


I did make one stop on the way home Friday that I forgot to post.

Abandoned trail tunnel at Tumlin Gap...

Yankee Dog

Love that area.  Great report.  Thanks.   

Brian A

Good stuff Kevin.

How did the Husky do?
You happy with it?